Ep 38 - Stop! Plan. Engage. with Amy Hubbard — Business Lab

Ep 38 - Stop! Plan. Engage. with Amy Hubbard


Introducing Amy Hubbard

How do you convince somebody from finance, legal or engineering that they need to involve the community at the start of that big new project?

Amy Hubbard from Capire Consulting Group has lived and breathed community engagement since she left university. As a result, she has a wealth of stories that are just sitting there, ready to pull out for the right person at the right moment to communicate the value of community engagement.

Today's show really is a lot about planning for success with community engagement. Amy shares a percentage of time that she believes is a smart amount of time to spend on getting ready for engagement. The number might surprise you.

Get your pen and paper ready for this helpful episode, filled with tips and tools to help you better prepare for your next engagement project.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • What it looks like to set up an engagement project for success.

  • Why ‘engagement’ means different things to different people and how you can define this more clearly.

  • A look at the Capire Engagement Triangle tool and how to use it.

  • What marrying social impact and engagement looks like in practice.

Resources mentioned in this episode

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The Beyond Consultation Podcast will help you to do more than just tick the box of consultation. It’s the podcast for purpose-driven professionals who want to increase their collective impact.

You'll hear stories of people working together on challenges that no single person or organisation can address on its own. You'll hear about the mindsets, the methods, the failures, and the lessons learned - all with the goal of increasing the collective impact you're making in your work.

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