Ep 34 - Facilitating Breakthrough, with Adam Kahane — Business Lab

Ep 34 - Facilitating Breakthrough, with Adam Kahane


Introducing Adam Kahane

Our guest today has written five books on facilitation and has worked in environments where the stakes were very high - like post-apartheid South Africa or in Columbia after 52 years of civil war.

Adam has been on my wishlist to interview ever since I read his first book soon after leaving university. Although you may not be working in the same kind of high-stakes environments as Adam, we can all learn a lot from his thoughtful approach to facilitating change.

Adam believes that facilitation is about everything that you do to help people to work together to affect change. It’s not just about flip charts, sticky notes and whiteboards.

In this episode, we unpack his latest book, Facilitating Breakthrough, where Adam gives us a new framework for thinking about how to enable change.

If you involved in any sort of change work, then this episode is for you.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • The difference between horizontal and vertical facilitation and how to cycle between them.

  • How the core of facilitation is removing obstacles to greater contribution; to love, power and justice.

  • That the world needs more and better collaboration and therefore more and better facilitation.

Resources mentioned in this episode

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