Ep 32 - Tikanga-led Codesign, with Kataraina Davis — Business Lab

Ep 32 - Tikanga-led Codesign, with Kataraina Davis


Introducing Kataraina Davis

Recently, I went back and looked at our podcast stats to see what episodes are most popular. Between the top two episodes, there's a pretty clear theme - you are hungry to learn more about Māori ways of being and engaging.

Our guest, Kataraina Davis, comes highly recommended. She is involved with a programme called Te Kaa that helps people to understand Māori values, worldviews and practices.

There can be a lot of anxiety and guilt that comes up for non-Māori when thinking about how to work effectively with Māori.

If this is true for you, it might be a signal that there's some more learning for you to do. This episode is the perfect place to start.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • How do Māori and European based ways of designing, engaging and innovating differ?

  • If you're working in a non-Māori organization, what is your personal role?

  • How important it is to role model relationship-building at all times

  • What partnership between Māori and non-Māori organisations can look like

  • How do we come to work being fully ourselves and whose responsibility is it to make this happen?

Resources mentioned in this episode

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The Beyond Consultation Podcast will help you to do more than just tick the box of consultation. It’s the podcast for purpose-driven professionals who want to increase their collective impact.

You'll hear stories of people working together on challenges that no single person or organisation can address on its own. You'll hear about the mindsets, the methods, the failures, and the lessons learned - all with the goal of increasing the collective impact you're making in your work.

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