Ep 30 - Engaging After Trauma - The Royal Commission into the Christchurch Mosques Attack, with Chris Mene — Business Lab

Ep 30 - Engaging After Trauma - The Royal Commission into the Christchurch Mosques Attack, with Chris Mene


Introducing Chris Mene

15 March 2019 was a dark day in Aotearoa New Zealand, with a terrorist attack on mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Today's show is with Chris Mene, a community engagement practitioner with deep experience engaging communities following trauma. He played a big role for over 10 years in Christchurch following the earthquakes. His police background has been invaluable in that battleground context.

We talk through the story of Chris's involvement in the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch masjidain. Chris helped to establish and facilitate the Muslim Community Reference Group and shares his lessons from that process.

As facilitators we can learn a lot from somebody like Chris who has engaged in a context that is heavy with grief.

Everybody brings some level of trauma with them into every group situation. When you can be aware of that reality, and careful about how you show up as a facilitator, you can create space for understanding and healing.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • What facilitators can do to prepare themselves for work in trauma settings.

  • The importance of understanding the current context (and how you can do this).

  • How understanding ourselves is crucial for being effective in conversations about trauma.

  • Why emotional limits are important (and how to establish them).

Resources mentioned in this episode

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