Ep 29 - Human Learning Systems for Aotearoa New Zealand, with Dr. Toby Lowe — Business Lab

Ep 29 - Human Learning Systems for Aotearoa New Zealand, with Dr. Toby Lowe


Join the Aotearoa New Zealand launch of Human Learning Systems

There are some exciting shifts occurring in the public sector in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Image shows the cover page of the latest Human Learning Systems e-book.

Image shows the cover page of the latest Human Learning Systems e-book.

This podcast episode explores the growing Human Learning Systems movement.

This approach offers insight into future ways of working that take us beyond outdated public management approaches. It can help us consider how we move towards approaches that are better equipped to engage with the complexity of people’s lives and the complex issues we face globally.

Join us on Wednesday 3 November, 9.30am-11:00am NZDT for the Aotearoa New Zealand launch of Human Learning Systems: Public service for the real world.


Introducing Dr. Toby Lowe


Today's guest is Dr. Toby Lowe, who is going to give you a choice about what kind of public service world you want to believe in. He is the lead voice behind what is fast becoming a global movement called Human Learning Systems.

And it's all about making a different choice when working in public service.

Do you continue with our current paradigm - New Public Management?

Or do you shift to a new way of working? Where you recognise the full person in front of you. One that is based on learning, rather than control. Looking at the underlying causes behind the symptoms that you might be seeing, and really trying to get an understanding of the messiness of what's going on, rather than trying to make things linear.

What I wanted to do with Toby was explore what it might mean to embrace human learning systems here in Aotearoa New Zealand. It’s a fascinating conversation!

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • What is Human Learning Systems? And where did this approach come from?

  • How do we translate Human Learning Systems into language that makes sense in New Zealand - or do we build our own?

  • Why it’s important to be ‘human to each other’ in a public service setting.

  • The importance of experimenting to create effective local solutions.

  • Thoughts on how we can invest our time and energy centrally vs. locally.

Resources mentioned in this episode

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